Bonjour! comment ça va? ça va bein! et toi? Et toi?? ET TOI???? désolé ...J'adore Français! translation= hello! how are u? i am good! and u? And u? AND U? srry... i love french!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


k i just saw that i a new follower so i checked out their blog and it is totaly cool!!! its called nymph change.... and it is awsome!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!

ugh! so mean!!!!

K this is gonna b quick cause i dont have alot to write on the subject. but anyways... i was recently watching disney channel whith my little cousin and that stupid thing they do about the 'blam cam' thingy came on and it was this cartoon surfin real bad. they had this narrator talking on top to make comments and they were really mean. I was all omg! i cannot believe that! it was such a bad influence to kids!!! it really was just teachin kids to b bullys!!!!!! NOT FUNNY!!!!! anyways not to go all parental on yall but i just wanted to say gracious that was soo mean!!!!